orfest replied to the topic 'Ekos remote notifications' in the forum. 4 years ago

grok_exporter is the way to extract metrics from unstructured logs: github.com/fstab/grok_exporter/blob/release/CONFIG.md
It supports glob patterns in file names but not in directory names.
KStars creates directories daily, for example my latest log file is ~/.local/share/kstars/logs/2021-02-25/log_20-59-31.txt
Wonder how to workaround that.


orfest replied to the topic 'Ekos remote notifications' in the forum. 4 years ago

It will be so much easier if Ekos can provide monitoring data to Prometheus. Then I can set any kind of alerting I want.
Capture successful - increment a counter "capture_count job="$JOB_NAME" successful=true"
Capture failed - increment a counter "capture_count job="$JOB_NAME" successful=false"


orfest replied to the topic 'Ekos remote notifications' in the forum. 4 years ago

Made a simple script posting notifications to a telegram chat with a bot:
curl -s "api.telegram.org/bot${API_KEY}/sendMessa...d=${CHAT_ID}&text=$1"
And made a second bot for bad news, such as capture failures.
Configured this as a "Run command" notification, by doing lots of clicking and typing in the "Configure Notifications" menu :)

The only issue is that "Run command" doesn't accept parameters. "Capture failure" notification is self-evident, but I I'd like to provide a bit of context to notifications like "INDI Server Message".

Maybe I should parse indi and ekos logs...


orfest created a new topic ' Ekos remote notifications' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello friends,

I have a telescope running all night in the backyard while I'm in the house.
How can I be notified if something bad happens?

For example, today my camera decided to be a potato and stopped talking to indi. After turning it off and on again 10 times, it worked again.
Grafana has an option of sending alerts to a Telegram chat.
Ekos supports only standard KDE notification options:
* Sound (can't hear, I'm in the house)
* message popup (can't see, the scope is controlled by a rpi)
* log to a file (promising)
* taskbar (useless)
* run command (very promising)
* speech (can't hear)

I saw a post where someone made a tiny email client. I don't check email that often.

Any other ideas what a remote notification can be?

Anyway, assuming I really want to be notified via Telegram:
Option 1: Add Telegram support to KDE
Don't even know where to start

Option 2: Log to a file
Make a daemon that forwards changes to the file to a telegram chat

Option 3: Run a command forwarding notifications to a telegram chat

Option 4 (No coding required): Grafana
Log notifications to a file
Configure Prometheus to ingest those notifications
Configure Grafana to send those notifications to a telegram chat