my actual solution to the problem was to simply enable the "port selector" when devices were connecting. The defaults were garbage I guess.

also verified that I could communicate with other software (terminal) to the connected devices

so chatGPT almost got it right...


my actual solution to the problem was to simply enable the "port selector" when devices were connecting. The defaults were garbage I guess.

also verified that I could communicate with other software (terminal) to the connected devices

so chatGPT almost got it right...


my actual solution to the problem was to simply enable the "port selector" when devices were connecting. The defaults were garbage I guess.

also verified that I could communicate with other software (terminal) to the connected devices

so chatGPT almost got it right...


struggling with this a bit, and love chatGPT´s response.

Q: I am trying to run Kstars and Indi on an ubuntu 22.04 desktop instance. Indi is unable to access the USB connected devices although Linux recognizes the devices. How can I fix this?

chatGPT: There are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot this issue:

Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to access the USB devices. You can check the permissions for the device by running the ls -l /dev/bus/usb/XXX/YYY command, where XXX is the bus number and YYY is the device number. The device should be owned by you or a group that you are a member of, and the permissions should allow you to read and write to the device. If the permissions are not set correctly, you can use the chown and chmod commands to change them.

Check if the Indi server is running as the correct user. The Indi server may not have the necessary permissions to access the USB devices if it is running as a different user. You can check the user that the Indi server is running as by running the ps aux | grep indiserver command. If the Indi server is running as a different user, you can use the sudo command to run it as the correct user.

Make sure that the Indi server is able to detect the USB devices. You can use the lsusb command to list all the USB devices that are connected to your system. If the USB devices are not listed, it could be that the devices are not compatible with Indi or that there is a problem with the USB drivers.

If the Indi server is able to detect the USB devices, but is still unable to access them, it could be that the device drivers are not correctly configured. You can check the configuration of the device drivers by running the indi_debug -l command. This will list all the device drivers that are installed on your system, along with their current configuration. If the configuration is incorrect, you can modify it using the indi_setprop command.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need more assistance.


This contribution in Jan 2021 to help others along this path, as an experiment in transitioning from windows/ASCOM to the KSTARS/EKOS/INDI.

hardware configuration achieved was:
RaspberryPi3 - as master and noir Black and White
RaspberryPi2B - as camera - color ccd
OnStep Mount controller connected through USB
Focusers: probably go with the RaspiHatFocuser Driver (open item)

Step-by-Step - estimated time ( 2hours, including making 2 images)

1) Setting up the Pi3 Master: (60 mins)
1.1) download & flash latest build from (45mins)
1.2) edits required to turn off gpsd and restore USB0 for OnStep
Edited the /etc/default/gpsd script and made:
1.3) config changes: change master password and enabled camera
1.4) change password for the astroberry wifi in wifi manager
1.5) optional, change password for VNC login
1.6) ran updates recommended on
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade
1.8) restart

2) Setting up the Pi2B’s (if they´re really old, try this first) (60mins)
2.1) download & flash the latest 32bit image from
(tried ubuntu unsuccessfully)
2.2) configure wifi
2.3) change passwords
2.4) enable camera and ssh
2.5) turn on boot to CLI, turn off boot to desktop
2.6) install full indiserver and all libraries
2.7) connect to pi2 over ssh and test camera with
raspistill -o test.jpg
2.8) over ssh, start indiserver on raspi2b:
(at first with option -vv to see connections working, removed later)
indiserver -v indi_v4l2_ccd
*** session 1 on rpi2b ***
ssh pi@
pwd: yourpwd
indiserver indi_v4l2_ccd

3) Setting up the Pi3 Indiserver through two terminal sessions ( 5 Mins or less)
3.1) Setup INDISERVER for FIFO mode, to be able to use identical camera drivers
***** fifo startup ****
indiserver -v indi_v4l2_ccd
***session 2 on rpi3 ****
mkfifo /tmp/myFIFO
indiserver -f /tmp/myFIFO

*** session 3 on rip3 ***

echo "start indi_v4l2_ccd -n \"bwpi\"" > /tmp/myFIFO
echo "start \"V4L2 CCD\"@ -n \"colorpi\"" > /tmp/myFIFO
echo "start indi_lx200_OnStep" > /tmp/myFIFO

3.2) have all of these commands in a text file on the raspi3 desktop, takes 30 secs to configure

4) Set EKOS to use locally running indiserver
4.1) Settings: (also, see image) !could NOT get webmanager to work!
Remote, localhost
No webmanager
Just picked each local driver: Onstep, V4L2 CCD,V4L2 CCD
Save and start EKOS Session - result worked.

5) Confirm everythings working taking images with each camera, capture tab allows switching between cams

Helpful Sources


Main intended configuration was: (because I had all of these lying about)
RaspberryPi3 - as master
RaspberryPi2B - as camera - noir Black and White
RaspberryPi2B - as camera - color ccd

I was unable to connect both Pi2B´s simultaneously - EKOS was always only able to launch one instance, although indi connected with both pi´s. Tried creating an alias through EKOS, which also didn´t seem to solve the problem
echo "start \"V4L2 CCD\"@ -n \"colorpi\"" > /tmp/myFIFO
echo "start \"V4L2 CCD\"@ -n \"bwpi\"" > /tmp/myFIFO

I was also unable to find the RPICamera driver in the EKOS menu, even after installing full indi

Clear Skies!



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 06. 1967
  • About me
    OnStep with ESP32 Beginner, Berlin, Germany