Orfest replied to the topic 'Need help with ASI6200MM' in the forum. 2 years ago

> Normal PC
Trying it now and it seems to work. Took 10 60-sec exposures in a row without a problem.

But, the normal PC (Linux laptop) cannot slew the mount. When I used Rpi4, I always connected it with an ethernet cable directly to the mount, and they had their own tiny private local network.
Don't have this setup on my Laptop, and was surprised to find out that the laptop can get position from the mount, but can't control the mount.
Which is why now for the test I'm having both the laptop and the Rpi controlling different parts of the telescope :-D

I also am trying a different USB3.0 Type A cable. Maybe that's also helping? Maybe it's all random and tomorrow it will stop working again? :shrug:

Would be great to figure out how to either replicate that local network setup the Rpi has, or to learn to control the mount via a wireless connection.

Next step: connect the camera to the Rpi4. Wish me luck. Doing it now