Orfest replied to the topic 'Need help with ASI6200MM' in the forum. 2 years ago

I tried to reproduce that success last night, and it was a disaster.

I set camera to the lowest bandwidth value, which is 40.
Take hundreds of short exposure shots to polar align the mount and for focusing.

But when I do the imaging, the camera stops working after downloading 2 images, 120-sec, binning 1x1, temperature -20. It won't download any more images after that.
Once I was able to do focusing in this stuck state.
Once enabling auto bandwidth unblocked the camera and it kept going to 7 images, when I realized I don't need those images, and stopped. The new imaging sequence couldn't start.

Unblocking the camera is done only by powering it off and on again.

I tried the High Speed Mode - same result
Enabling auto bandwidth helped once, but I guess that was just random.

I can't enable debug information for the driver, somehow it gets immediately disabled :shrug:

The camera is powered by a power adapter 12V 2.5A.

Restarting the camera driver in Ekos leads to KStars crashing in 10-60 seconds.

Please help.