Orfest created a new topic ' Need help with ASI6200MM' in the forum. 2 years ago

My camera ZWO ASI6200MM works, but I can't make any use of it.

Typical session:
* power up all the equipment
* start KStars
* Take a preview image with 1 sec exposure -- works
* Try taking another image with 4 seconds of exposure -- reports "Exposure Failed", retries a few times and gives up
* No more images after that can be taken.
* Restarting the camera driver sometimes lets me take another 1 sec exposure image.
* get upset for 10 months.

I'm running kstars on a raspberry pi 4 on ubuntu 22.04. Indilib was installed as `sudo apt-get install indi-full gsc`.

Happy to do any experiments and collect any kinds of logs.
Haven't tried any other imaging software.

Please help