I think I found a solution. There is a comment with a command to revert to a prior firmware in =this subsequent post . I tried it out and now the EFW is appearing for me.



I am having a similar issue. I was out in the field this evening after running sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade this afternoon, and my ASI EFW was not appearing in the Indi Control Panel. I came home and tried troubleshooting where it was warm, but couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Swapping out cables/trying different ports didn't help. I tried downloading/installing a fresh copy of Astroberry 2.0.3 and with the fresh image I was able to get the EFW to connect, but then after running sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade again, the issue manifested again. I have attached the logs here in the hope that they may help lead to a solution.

My setup:
Raspberry Pi 4 8GB running Astroberry 2.0.3, with latest updates
ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro (connected to USB3 port on pi)
ZWO ASO120MM-S (connected to USB3 port on pi)
Moonlite Focuser (connected to USB2 port on pi)
EQMOD Mount (connected to USB hub on 1600)
ZWO ASI EFW (connected through USB hub on 1600)



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    19. 04. 1986
  • About me
    I'm an Amateur Astronomer. I love doing outreach, visual observing, and astrophotography.