Mindaugas created a new topic ' DIY focuser issues' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi guys,
I hope you're all safe and happy holiday season to you all!

The problem I am facing is that my step motor (Nema 17) doesn't react at all to any command on Ekos. My setup is: control (Ekos on raspberi pi4) , motor is connected to arduino nano (have both (and tried) controllers: A4998 and DRV 8825). Tried few build like this github.com/Hansastro/Focuser link1 and Arduino Focuser Pro (v.1) . Everything connects perfectly, no errors . Moonlite focuser library starts without a problem, but when I try to focus in or focus out , motor seems want to start (does small 'tick') but thats it. Ekos shows that focuser reached desired position , no errors in logs either. Tested motor itself with other simple code , it is working normally. Just don't understand what could be wrong here . Thanks for any idea/suggestion in advance!

