John created a new topic ' Macos indilib XML problem' in the forum. 3 years ago


I am on MacOS 10.13.6. I have downloaded the indilib source via github 2 days ago. Using cmake and make, I encountered one error and had to change the file "deepskydad_fr1.cpp" (drivers/rotator). Here, a typecast was needed in line 280: the function "abs" is used here and the compiler reports "ambiguity" problem. Solved by inserting a typecast to "long". However, running the client example gave errors: I started the indiserver with tutorial three CCD simulator and then ran the tutorial_client. It gave me the following output (from the client):

INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: Already connected.Press any key to terminate the client.
And output from the server:

2021-12-20T11:55:54: Client 0: XML error: Line 1: Bogus leading attr name char: 12021-12-20T11:55:54: Client 0: XML read: <getProperties version='1.7'CCD Simulator device=''>I guess that I must be doing something wrong and hope that someone in this forum can help :)