yes, it is a few years old, but no obsolet. One can still stream and take pictures with it for solar observation and it is totally fine for tracking.
I have contacted the ZWO support, their first response was to use ASIstudio... but that also doesn't work ... hope they can fix it somehow ....


Stefan Baar replied to the topic 'PyIndi without IndiClient class' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Steve, Thank you for the quick reply.

SteveBz wrote: What difference does it make?Steve.

It makes a large difference for first time users of the module and for people that don't want to spend hours on writing a simple script just to take a picture.

SteveBz wrote: I imagine they both work.

No, the second one doesn't work

SteveBz wrote: The first one is more Pythonic and in the longer term you will find it easier to maintain.

If you write procedural code, like your second example eventually it will become more spaghetti-like and you split it into classes to maintain it. Much easier to start with classes.

Sorry to lecture you.



What do you mean with Pythonic? Isn't Pythonic the opposite ... like clear and efficient ?

Or do you mean bureaucratic?

Usually, one can use IPython or Jupyter notebooks to play around with python libraries. That way one can get around reading manuals and documentation, using the tab key to get all available functions and so on.

As far as I can tell, this is not really possible with PyIndi, since you first have to check with the documentation, which tells you to construct an unnecessary class like some bureaucrat at the DMV (I am a scientist, I don't respect bureaucrats) .

But thanks for the lecture.




I have also tried with the ASIStudio software from the ZWO site .... Which brings up the same error

Further I have tried the cameras on a Mac. On the Mac they work without problem ....


I tried using the ZWO ASI 130MM under multiple versions of ubuntu using indiserver. I have three of them and non of them work.

It seems impossible to take an image neither in 8bit or 16bit mode.

I read in other posts that there might be a firmware update for the camera but non of the links work and I can't find anything online about it ...

Is there any way to use the 130MM with unix???

2020-08-08T05:35:00: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Busy
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:00">
    <oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">

2020-08-08T05:35:00: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Busy
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:00">
    <oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">

2020-08-08T05:35:00: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Busy
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T05:35:00: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:00">
    <oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">

2020-08-08T05:35:01: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Busy
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:01">
    <oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">

2020-08-08T05:35:01: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read message ZWO CCD ASI130MM   '[ERROR] Exposure failed after 3 attempts.'
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: queuing <message device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name=''>
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<message device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:01" message="[ERROR] Exposure failed after 3 attempts."/>

2020-08-08T05:35:01: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Alert
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T05:35:01: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T05:35:01">
    <oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">


Ok, never mind.
The error mentioned in my last post is not related to PyClient but appears to be a driver or firmware issue as mentioned with similar cameras here$d

I also found a script that does pretty much what I want it to do:


Thank you for the quick response.

My CCD is the ZWO CCD ASI130MM.
I would set the BLOB mode to the following.
What do I set for the EMPTY argument? 1 or PyIndi.B_ALSO
indiclient.setBLOBMode(EMPTY, 'ZWO CCD ASI130MM', "CCD1")

Following the tutorial :

I get the following error when taking an exposure:
read message ZWO CCD ASI130MM '[ERROR] Exposure failed after 3 attempts
2020-08-08T03:37:59: Client 0: queuing <message device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name=''>
2020-08-08T03:37:59: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read setNumberVector ZWO CCD ASI130MM CCD_EXPOSURE Alert
2020-08-08T03:37:59: Client 0: queuing <setNumberVector device='ZWO CCD ASI130MM' name='CCD_EXPOSURE'>
2020-08-08T03:37:59: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 2:
<message device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" timestamp="2020-08-08T03:37:59" message="[ERROR] Exposure failed after 3 attempts."/>

2020-08-08T03:37:59: Client 0: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<setNumberVector device="ZWO CCD ASI130MM" name="CCD_EXPOSURE" state="Alert" timeout="60" timestamp="2020-08-08T03:37:59">
<oneNumber name="CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE">


Stefan Baar created a new topic ' PyIndi without IndiClient class' in the forum. 4 years ago

I would like to know, whether it is possible to communicate with a CCD through PyIndi without having to construct a IndiClient class and only using functions.


class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient):
def __init__(self):
super(IndiClient, self).__init__()
self.logger = logging.getLogger('IndiClient')'creating an instance of IndiClient')



why can't I just ?


Is there anyway to get around using classes?


I would like to catch a live stream from a ZWO ASI camera with openCV.
I kind of figured out how to use indiserver to connect to the camera and I found the stream option.
However, I have no idea where the stream is going or how to catch the stream, since there seems to be no object like /dev/video created by Indi_setprop "... STREAM=On".
Has anyone figured that out?


Thank you very much.
I will will try to do that ... and hopefully find some time to write a documentation.


Thank you for the quick reply. yes , I was looking for something like and indi telescope script driver. However, I can't find any information about it. Could you please provide a link?

Regarding C++, I would really like to write a driver in C++ and I have already locked at existing drivers. However, I have Python ADHS ... which means it will probably take 1000x longer to modify a driver in C++ than just writing it in python ...


I am currently working on creating an interface between the indi-server and a costum telescope controller. the telescope controller can be interfaced through RS232 andI have written a simple python script to control the telescope from the terminal. However, I have no idea how to make indi-server, kstars, PHD2, etc. with the telescope controller ...

I have found the driver development tutorial page ( ), but writing an entire driver in C++ is way too much work ...

Is there an easy way to map the RS232 commands, to be accessible through Indi-server?
Would it be possible to write a driver in python? and how ?


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