Jonathan replied to the topic 'Celestron Focuser connection errors' in the forum. 3 years ago

As an update for any who find this article, sadly the Focuser has a hardware problem - poor manufacture of the control circuit board - the USB 2 socket connection or the socket itself is bad - it now no longer communicates at all - not great quality for under two years old... I will replace it with a better brand focuser. Recent reliability with Celestron stuff has not been the best. I attach a photo of the offensive board to help others. So it was not an Indi driver or RPI issue with Astroberry at all which I take comfort from. Luckily it coincides with a really long cloudy period!


Jonathan created a new topic ' Celestron Focuser connection errors' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi all, well I have been successfully using a Celestron Focuser on an Edge HD 8 on my IOptron CEM60 for some time running on a mount RPI 4 with Astroberry with EKOS. Autofocus was running fine until about a month ago when random connection errors seem to have started and now ruin every session outside. Everything is powered independently either by a Startech hub or direct 12v power so there is no strain on the RPI. It is fully up to date as of today as well with the latest software updates.The focuser always connects first time but if I try to run a focus job it will always disconnect at some point. Calibration routines usually fails and even crashed the Indi driver a few times, if it got that far. The predominant error is always “sendPacket fail tty -2 Write Error: Input/output error, ns 0” which says to me it might be a bad connection…So I have tried 3 different USB 2A to B leads, changed the port it plugs into, plugged it into the back of my ZWO camera as a test, taken it apart and checked for obvious connection issues inside for the cable ribbon off its control board – still the same so am wondering if it is faulty or perhaps a driver issue? Anyone else had this issue and can stop me throwing it against a wall very soon!Oh when I connect it to a laptop via USB directly and use the Celestron utility – it doesn’t seem to fail! Indi logs from tonight attached, I turned on verbose logging for the focuser and mount near the bottom…
When I moved the focuser via Indi panel, it would not report its final position…I also noticed that each time I reconnect via Indi, the serial port moves to the next one i.e. dev/ttyACM3, started on port zero before 1st crash.Any help gratefully received!


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    01. 04. 2020
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    Astro photography enthusiast