Thanks all. I have a windows pc and a macbook pro - both running linux on them as well :-) I like the usb idea as the sd cards is slow as you say.


Pete Heywood replied to the topic 'Images removed from /tmp?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thanks. I'd forgotten that - the systems I use at work only get rebooted once a year or so!


Pete Heywood created a new topic ' Images removed from /tmp?' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi there,

I'm very new to all this - Raspberry Pi, Astroberry and Astrophotography, but having some fun. I was playing around last night, trying to get some images captured using CCD Ciel - as I could not get Ekos to download any images from my Altair GPCam2. CCD Ciel worked fine, and it was storing images in /tmp as per the default. However, when I started it up this morning, the files have all gone from /tmp. Is this part of a shutdown script or garbage collection? It was a useful exercise anyway I guess. No idea if this is OS behaviour or CCD Ciel.

Actually a quick test shows that all files in /tmp appear to be cleared out - so having /tmp as the default for ccd ceil is a bad idea!



Hi there,

I'm new to all this - Raspberry Pi, Astroberry and Astrophotography.... What is the best way to get images from Astroberry back to my workstation? ftp? scp? samba?




  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    26. 12. 1967
  • About me
    Newbie astrophotographer