Has anyone ever been able to get remote plate solving working on the Astroberry?

I have been trying to help a friend who can't get this to work. He is using Kstars for Windows connecting remotely to Astroberry. Meanwhile for me it has worked just fine on Stellarmate. Then a few days ago I confirmed again it works on my setup with Stellarmate, but when tried it on my setup using my own Astroberry, I get the same problem: message is returned almost immediately "plate solve failed, try again". The error message is so immediate, I doubt it's trying to plate solve, it's failing for some other reason.

Though our setup details are different (different cameras, mount), the general setup and results are the same:

1. RPi running Astroberry connected to cameras, mount
2. Running Kstars on Windows, remotely connecting to indi server on Pi
3. All necessary drivers selected (cameras, mount, astrometry)
4. Plate solving set to remote

1. Remote plate solving fails, instantly
2. Local plate solving (on the Astroberry through VNC connection) works
3. On my setup remote plate solving works with Stellarmate (my friend does not have a Stellarmate to check with)

So, has anyone ever gotten remote plate solving working on the Astroberry?

Thank you.


Thank you for your help.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear enough previously. I was doing just as you suggested: I did have profiles on my remote PC, and I had separate profiles on the Stellarmate. I tried to allow the Stellarmate to operate autonomously by connecting through VNC to set up its scheduler. However when I did so the profiles on the Stellarmate did not show on the Stellarmate scheduler profile drop-down, only "default profile".

However last night I tried again to make sure I had not done something wrong. This time it worked as expected: the profiles on the Stellarmate showed in the scheduler profile drop-down, and when I ran the scheduler it performed as expected.

I'm not sure what had gone wrong - perhaps the first time I tried something had not been properly initialized, perhaps I needed to reboot, I don't know. Any way it is working now!

Thank you again for your help.

Aaron G.


Has anyone gotten the scheduler to work on-board the Stellarmate (connecting via VNC)? I spent all day last Sunday trying to get it to work; instead I finally found that running EKOS scheduler on a remote PC would work instead. I can run that way OK, but I expect I may have occasions where I prefer to run the Stellarmate autonomously without a remote PC steering it. All other functions that I tried seemed to work, if I recall correctly: imaging, plate-solving, running the mount.

Perhaps related: I noticed in the profiles drop-down on the scheduler tab none of my profiles were listed, just "default profile". Just to be clear, I'm not talking about profiles I had on the remote PC, I had several profiles on-board the Stellarmate and none were listed.

I'm using a Stellarmate gadget bought from a dealer, updated to StellarmateOS 1.5.1 I downloaded from Jasem's site and burned to the SDcard a couple of weeks ago. I have not done any updates to the stock download; maybe I need to do that?

Aaron G.


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