Thank you for your reply.
You are right the camera is not set on the picture, I did so many trials that I probably did not screenshot at the good time.
Thank you for the INDI instance, I will check cause I think it also happens when I first launch KStars.


Dear all,

If found this great Lib/SW INDI/Kstars/EKOS but I'm facing difficulties. For the moment only my Canon M50 is connected and I can do fix things but for some others I face an INDI crash.

I open Kstars on my mac and launch EKOS. Configure it to add my DSLR. Each time I start the EKOS servie I have a message "EKOS detected an intense of INDI server..." I click YES and it works. Is it normal?
Now, on the EKOS/camera page I can take pictures only if I set the FORMAT to "Native", with FITS selected any attention to take a picture crash INDI. Is it normal?
But whatever the setting I have for the format, I soon as I click on "live video", INDI crash....
Same thing when I add a mount simulator and I try the polar alignment, I soon as I click on "Capture & solve" I have a message error telling me that INDI crashed...

Some info that could help: I did not manage to install Kstars with path for the INDI server and drivers, I had to select "internal", otherwise I had a message when I launched Ksars telling me that the directory there wrong (I check, this is right they did not exist, I try to create them but it did not change anything.
To finish, I activated the logs in Kstars (verbose) but no way to find then, when I click on "open logs directory" nothing happens, I try to find them manually but the do not exist (neither the directory)...

Looks like I have a poor installation of the software, so I did it several times... same result.

I would appreciate any help, to clean my installation and make this software works properly.

Thank you


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    28. 02. 1972
  • About me
    begin in astrophotographers