Alex replied to the topic 'ttyUSB0 issues on OnStepp and raspi4' in the forum. 4 years ago

the same here with a QHY CFW3, and the same CP210x chipset, disabled GPS, and also I needed to solve CFW3 problem on EKOS (error: Handshake failed: Timeout error. Firmware must be higher than 201409) I changed EKOS to use a CFW2 and now is working.



I have played a little bit I think the problem is with image viewer, try to open it with another program lije gphoto.


Good news, we have been working on a patch for libgphoto that corrects imagequality setting, for Nikon d7500, now I can save as RAW.


Alex replied to the topic 'Origional QHY5 to work with INdI / Ekos' in the forum. 5 years ago

I have an old QHY, what a I have done and works is the following.:

1. Open a terminal with root permissions and check which camera vid and pid I have with command: "lsusb" it list usb devices connected. I can deduct that I have a QHY from Vendor ID (VID) 16c0 and the Product ID (PID) 296a.
2. Then go where you have de following file to edit. 85-qhy.rules, it could be on /etc/udev/rules.d/ or on astroberry 2.0: /lib/udev/rules.d/
3. edit with nano and inspect the file, and locate the entry where there are your vendor, in my case 16c0. And a PID similar, i have found 296c. I have duplicated the line replaced the PID to mine 296a.
It shows something like this: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="296a", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -t fx2 -I /lib/firmware/qhy/QHY5.HEX -D $env{DEVNAME} -s /lib/firmware/qhy/QHY5LOADER.HEX"
This will tell something like when plug a USB from VID and is that PID, load this firmware.
In my case this would be nice to be added to default repository.


I have a Nikon d7500 also, I have done some test, check the filesize if it's small try to change file extension, from nef to jpg. In my case it is actually a jpg. There is a problem with the settings on Image Quality, I choose NEF(RAW) format from Indi control panel, but it downloads a Jpeg. I really don't know if its a gphoto o indi driver problem. There some Image Quality options that don't read well. I will try to attach some screenshots.


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