Sifan Kahale replied to the topic 'Possible Memory Leak in Kstars' in the forum. 4 years ago

Yes, this is KSTARs 3.5.0 Stable, on both the laptop and desktop Ubuntu linux systems. These connected to an indi web server on an RPI4 mounted on the telescope. Yes, this is repeatable (see my original post). It takes about 45 mins to fill up memory.
INDI devices being served by the RPI are: Celestron CGX, ZWO CCD, ASI EFW, OpenWeatherMap, WatchDog, GPSD, Pegasus UPB. Remember, these are hosted on an RPI4 and that does not have memory issues - the memory leak is on the desktop and the laptop running KSTARs and EKOS.

I also have another setup: an RPI4 serving Celestron CGEM, QHY CCD, MicroTouch Focuser, OpenWeather, WatchDog, GPSD, Dome Scripting Gateway. The laptop and desktop also experience a memory leak connecting to that one.