Thx Jasem. BTW, just a note to say how much I (we) appreciate all you do !!


Thx Jasem!

Would I set the text properties in the pre-capture script and not need to know the file path (eg, these would be saved by the capture program)? Would that work in the post capture script or is the image already save by then?


I would like to add environmental data, etc. to the FITS headers for every image taken. I've been looking at using the post capture script. If I could somehow extract the file path of the image, then I could use FV to update the headers. Any ideas? Or are there other methods to do this?


Sifan Kahale created a new topic ' mbox mgp' in the forum. 3 years ago

Any plans to release an INDI driver for the MGP mbox (for the 10 micron mount)?  The existing mbox driver will not handle the MGP version.


Sifan Kahale replied to the topic 'Nexdome BEAVER system' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm interested in this as well. I had tried the existing indi_nexdome and of course it does not connect, gives a serial port error.

I did a bit of probing and it turns out the commands are completely different between the old and the new Beaver cntlr. Plus, the baud rate is very different.

I contacted Jaime at Lunatico (manuf of the Beaver cntlr) and he gave me some info to go on. He also stated that a new INDI driver is being worked on.

Can anyone confirm this and let us know a timeframe? I just assembled my dome, am ready to take first light, and here I am manually turning the dome ... !



Sifan Kahale replied to the topic 'Possible Memory Leak in Kstars' in the forum. 4 years ago

I should add: this started happening after I installed 3.5.0. I had experienced a number of freezes before I had the thought that maybe this could be a memory leak and that's when I started running 'top' and caught watched the pid for kstars empty the tank. Then I repeated this 3 times that night (a couple nights ago) and finally gave up the ghost.


Sifan Kahale replied to the topic 'Possible Memory Leak in Kstars' in the forum. 4 years ago

Yes, this is KSTARs 3.5.0 Stable, on both the laptop and desktop Ubuntu linux systems. These connected to an indi web server on an RPI4 mounted on the telescope. Yes, this is repeatable (see my original post). It takes about 45 mins to fill up memory.
INDI devices being served by the RPI are: Celestron CGX, ZWO CCD, ASI EFW, OpenWeatherMap, WatchDog, GPSD, Pegasus UPB. Remember, these are hosted on an RPI4 and that does not have memory issues - the memory leak is on the desktop and the laptop running KSTARs and EKOS.

I also have another setup: an RPI4 serving Celestron CGEM, QHY CCD, MicroTouch Focuser, OpenWeather, WatchDog, GPSD, Dome Scripting Gateway. The laptop and desktop also experience a memory leak connecting to that one.


Sifan Kahale replied to the topic 'Possible Memory Leak in Kstars' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have the server/drivers running on RPI4 on the telescope and use KSTARs/EKOS on a linux desktop system and a laptop system. I've found that the memory leak in either KSTARs or EKOS as it happens on the both the desktop and laptop. These are both 'heavy' systems with lots of memory and swap. I find it fills up memory, then swap then freezes the desktop or laptop requiring a reboot. This has now happened more then 7 times!! Very annoying when in the middle of a astrophotography run. Last night I had 'top' up and watched as it did this multiple times - at least I could see it coming and stop/restart in between images ...


I created a fresh Ubuntu V20.04 sim and placed it in a 4G RPI4 then:
apt-add-repository ppa:mutlaqja/ppa
apt update
apt -y install indi-full kstars-bleeding
Noticed that in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/, libindidriver .so.1 is linked to the .5 version:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Apr 25 20:03 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1189152 Apr 25 20:03

kstars --version says 3.4.2

Which works.

Is this right - was the fix to go back to .5 version?


No other INDI source. I had removed and purged everything.

I do have another Raspberry Pi that I can load a fresh Ubuntu onto and install a fresh/virgin KSTARS/EKOS/INDI on - I'll do that right now and let you know what happens.


I did an apt purge, then a reinstall - it still does not work, now I'm getting the error (for both indi_asi_ccd and indi_qhy_ccd):
symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd:
undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD9ISNewBLOBEPKcS2_PiS3_PPcS5_S5_i
(this is a different undefined symbol)
Once again, relinking to works.

Was this fix put in the release or do I need to download the new one separately?


I was lucky to have an extra raspberry pi that I had not been updated yet and that I knew worked. So I found the /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (.5 version) from there and copied it over to my defunct updated pi.

I'm not sure where you could find the .5 version - perhaps someone could help answer that??

But here is what I did: I copied (scp) the file to my defunct update raspberry pi and placed it in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ directory, then:
cd /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
rm # this was a link to the .6 lib
ln -s # now links it to the .5 lib

And started this up and voila, qhy and zwo were now working.

But the real issue here, is can someone please fix this in the release code?? This is sort of a show stopper ... !!


I have the same issue, but with both the indi_asi_ccd and indi_qhy_ccd drivers. I traced it to /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ If I relink the /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ to the .5 version - all works.

Anyone fix this yet ???


Is it possible to include weather data and sky quality data in the fits headers? Sorry if this has been asked previously.

  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    07. 07. 1950
  • About me
    Worked at PanSTARRs, now retired with my own small observatory