Víctor R. Ruiz replied to the topic 'Skywatcher AZ GTi with Ekos' in the forum. 6 years ago

Yesterday I did other attemps with the AZ GTI and Ekos. Plate solving worked, but after the sync, the mount I did a slew to another object and it took the wrong direction.

I also tried to guide on an object, and got an error (see attachment).

I don't know whether this problems are related to bad polar alignment.


Víctor R. Ruiz replied to the topic 'Skywatcher AZ GTi with Ekos' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks for the work getting the AZ GTI working with Ekos. I was debugging the protocol using Wireshark, so INDI supporting the mount is a huge leap. Congratulations!

I did a quick test at home yesterday with Ubuntu Mate and the nightly PPA. It looks very good, but I need to test in the field.

One thing that I tried to achieve was to limit the slew rate to make the mount less noisy. I tried to set it to 32x, 8x and similar values, but didn't work. Not sure I'm doing it correctly.


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