Chris Garry replied to the topic 'Cannot play back SER videos?' in the forum. 6 years ago

To set the frame size to 1280 x 960 you need to ensure the bytes in the file are set to the following:

Address: Value
0x001A: 0x00
0x001B: 0x05
0x001C: 0x00
0x001D: 0x00
0x001E: 0xC0
0x001F: 0x03
0x0020: 0x00
0x021F: 0x00

I just tried with your broken SER file and it fixed the file.


Chris Garry replied to the topic 'Cannot play back SER videos?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Yes, editing the header would be simple and would fix the files. You just need a hex editor. I can tell you the bytes you need to edit if you wish.


Chris Garry replied to the topic 'Cannot play back SER videos?' in the forum. 6 years ago

I checked out your cropped and non-cropped files and they are exactly the same size (36,001KB).

The header of the cropped SER file claims that the frame size is 640 x 480, but the frame data is clearly not actually cropped and is actually the full frame data (1280 x 960). This will be why no software is able to play it.



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