Hello everyone, i'm making my own my focuser pro 2, based on an arduino nano (chinese driver ch340), before i get all integrated,  i connected the arduino to the raspberry pi 4, (without motor driver ULN2003 and motor), i expected to get any positive response from ekos but nothing happens.

i expected to get the device listed with the "lsusb" command, even i enabled the serial port (raspi-config), i concern to finish the focuser and never get connected.
I'm using astroberry 2.0.4.
There's any step i miss to get the focuser work ?
I need to use an original arduino nano?
I appreciate any help.


Hi, i have a problem my microsd with ekos is full with indexes for plate solving , and i need to save my captured images only on the camera's SD, this is possible?
Thanks in advance.!


Hi, does anybody have an updated link to download the img file?
I build the image by myself, but when i burning it generates a ext4 partition in my 16Gb SD card, then i put it into the raspberry pi2 with an hdmi monitor, but nothing happens, even the green led doesn't flash like when i use raspian.



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