Bill Barsuhn replied to the topic 'Re:Problem taking flats' in the forum. 3 years ago

Am I the only one “blessed” with this feature?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Bill Barsuhn created a new topic ' Problem taking flats' in the forum. 3 years ago

I just noticed an issue with taking flats after the last update I did. I select an exposure time of 1 second, ADU of 28000, 25 frames and start the process. It doesn’t have any problem adjusting the exposure time to get the correct ADU level, and it starts capturing the 25 images. The problem is that it doesn’t index the file names so I only end up with one image. If I enter the specific time for the flat that gives the 28000 ADU, it works as expected and indexes the images. Has anyone else experienced this, if so what do I have set wrong?

Equipment - RPi4 4 GB, LED tracing pad for flat frames.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Bill Barsuhn replied to the topic 'PAA disabled' in the forum. 3 years ago

Has this been updated for Astroberry?


Bill Barsuhn created a new topic ' Astroberry' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have just started to use the scheduler so this could be my error but I'm not sure what's wrong or how to fix it.

The last four times I have been imaging I have used the scheduler so that I can actually get some sleep. Each time I have gotten the same error that ends the imaging session. This happens even though the session isn't complete (last night it was on image 88 of 120) Below are the last several lines from the log file.

If it matters, I am using an HEQ5 (EQMOD driver), ASI178mm imaging camera, and SSAG autoguider. I'm running Astroberry on a 4GB Rpi4 and accessing it via VNC (faster response)

[2020-06-01T01:01:07.550 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - QHY CCD QHY5-M- : "[DEBUG] Taking a 2.00000 seconds frame... "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.167 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=16.16012715 (16:09:36.46) - julian date=2459001.70910437 "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.169 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.182 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=C58B9B\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.183 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] GetRAEncoder() = 10193861 "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.183 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.198 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=3BCF8F\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.199 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=10193861 DE=9424699 "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.212 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.213 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=111\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.215 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.224 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.509 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI178MM : "[INFO] Exposure done, downloading image... "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.512 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI178MM : "[INFO] Download complete. "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.561 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI178MM : "[DEBUG] Uploading file. Ext: fits, Size: 12885120, sendImage? Yes, saveImage? No "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.735 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI178MM : "[DEBUG] BLOB transfer took 0.131496 seconds "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.736 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI178MM : "[DEBUG] Upload complete "
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.899 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - processBLOB() mode 0
[2020-06-01T01:01:08.904 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - "FITS" file saved to "/home/astroberry/AstroPhotos/M_92/Light/M_92_Light_30_secs_088.fits"
[2020-06-01T01:01:09.399 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Download Time: 0.66 s, New Download Time Estimate: 0.69 s."
[2020-06-01T01:01:09.409 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Loading FITS file "/home/astroberry/AstroPhotos/M_92/Light/M_92_Light_30_secs_088.fits"
[2020-06-01T01:01:09.422 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Received image 88 out of 120."
[2020-06-01T06:02:57.904 EDT WARN ][ qt.qpa.xcb] - xcb_shm_create_segment() failed for size 175808
[2020-06-01T06:02:57.979 EDT WARN ][ default] - The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
[2020-06-01T06:02:58.735 EDT WARN ][ default] - QObject::connect: No such signal QObject::aboutToClose()


Bill Barsuhn created a new topic ' X11 Connection Broke' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have just started to use the scheduler so this could be my error but I'm not sure what's wrong or how to fix it.

The last three times I have been imaging I have used the scheduler so that I can actually get some sleep. Each time I have gotten the same error that ends the imaging session. This happens even though the session isn't complete (last night it was on image 97 of 120) Below are the last several lines from the log file.

If it matters, I am using an HEQ5 (EQMOD driver), ASI178mm imaging camera, and SSAG autoguider.

[2020-05-13T01:29:23.367 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - "FITS" file saved to "/home/astroberry/AstroPhotos/M_89/Light/M_89_Light_30_secs_097.fits"
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.838 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Download Time: 0.57 s, New Download Time Estimate: 0.64 s."
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.842 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.fits] - Loading FITS file "/home/astroberry/AstroPhotos/M_89/Light/M_89_Light_30_secs_097.fits"
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.842 EDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture] - "Received image 97 out of 120."
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.845 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Compute local time: lst=15.38391479 (15:23:02.09) - julian date=2458982.72872881 "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.846 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j1\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.846 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=E18E6F\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.846 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] GetRAEncoder() = 7311073 "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.847 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":j2\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.847 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=5093C0\", 8 bytes read "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.847 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[SCOPE] Current encoders RA=7311073 DE=12620624 "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.848 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f1\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.848 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=111\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.848 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] dispatch_command: \":f2\", 0 bytes written "
[2020-05-13T01:29:23.848 EDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - EQMod Mount : "[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=301\", 5 bytes read "
[2020-05-13T05:46:39.431 EDT WARN ][ qt.qpa.xcb] - xcb_shm_create_segment() failed for size 175808
[2020-05-13T05:46:39.561 EDT WARN ][ default] - The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
[2020-05-13T05:46:40.371 EDT WARN ][ default] - QObject::connect: No such signal QObject::aboutToClose()


Bill Barsuhn replied to the topic 'First time autoguiding' in the forum. 5 years ago

Unfortunately I won't be home until Saturday to review what my settings were for this run. I'll post it then.

As far as the periodic error, I wondered about that at first but I thought that would be demonstrated by a gradual drift in one direction followed by a drift in the opposite direction as the worm wheel rotates. That doesn't appear to be the case here.


Bill Barsuhn created a new topic ' First time autoguiding' in the forum. 5 years ago

Last weekend was my first attempt to use the internal autoguider since I usually use PHD2. I saw that I could export the guiding data so being the geek that i am, i downloaded the from the 100 minutes of capturing M27. During the imaging session I was capturing 1 minute subs. When i opened the data and charted it in Excel I noticed there was a significant spike in the RA error every 10 minutes of the capture session. Any idea what I should be doing to correct or at least minimize this? I am using an older Meade LXD55 mount if that helps.


I'm having the same issue, did you ever figure this out?


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