Tom replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

Ahh! Setting boolean PS3 to true, Not PS1.


Tom replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

I just obtained a X-BOX game controller and it responds with name "Microsoft X-Box One S pad". So looking just for "Controller won't work.
Also, the position order of the buttons for 3 and 4 is flipped
PS4 button #

X-Box button #
X(Cross) #1 - Bottom of Diamond pattern - A #1
Circle #2 - Right of Diamond pattern - B #2
Triangle #3 - Top of Diamond pattern - Y #4
Square #4- Left of Diamond pattern - X #3

Not sure how people would prefer the button orders, but under PMC8 the STOP is #1 (Cross or A); Park is #2 (Circle or B); Un-park is #3 (Triangle or X).

For now I am just testing name for presence of either "Controller" or "X-Box and assigning a boolean PS1 to true.


Tom replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

I am using PlayStation PS4 as my joystick on a remote Raspi. Under linux (jstest) the left joystick is #1, right joystick is #2, and the left digital joystick is #3.

Under INDI Control Panel Monitor the left joystick works fine. Manipulating the right joystick give garbled results showing up under #2 and #3. And the left digital joystick doesn't show up under #3. Note, all the Axes values shown in Monitor are correct though. And the buttons are correct. So I figure the algorithm for calculating the Joystick values from the Axis values has a bug somewhere.

Thinking perhaps I am running old joystick driver on Raspi, I did a git pull from master for the latest everything. Same results.

Looking at the source code it seems to me that the joystick algorithms perhaps assumes 2-axis joysticks, where the game controllers are 3-axis joysticks. X-Y-Trigger.

So I added some work around based on reading the "name" given at onConnect. In this case the name is "Sony Interactive Entertainment Wireless Controller".
I assume all PS3 and PS4 controllers return a name with "Controller" in it. Not knowing if XBOX sends something similar. Does anybody know what XBOX returns?
Hoping they return something with Controller in it... So I am looking for the word "Controller" in the name. If it is, I set a boolean PS3=true. Then in the rest of the driver code if PS3 is true I skip the current code and substitute the new code. Testing now. I will push this up to github. I am looking for someone with a XBOX controller so I can make that work too.


Tom replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi, I am using the joystick driver on a Linux system, but was looking how to connect to it from the iMAC, so I don't need the driver yo be on the iMAC.

At first, When setting up my remote devices on the iMAC there was not a selection for joystick.

Not sure when, but I think after I connected to my remote server, it appeared under INDI Webcam Joystick. It has a nifty icon and hovering over it displays
"Available as REMOTE driver."

That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks,
Oh, BTW, This is using Kstars 3.3.6 on the iMAC.


Tom replied to the topic 'Joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

Hi, I am wondering if the joystick is actually on a Linux (Raspi) as a indi_joystick driver server, then shouldn't kstars/ekos client on iMAC be able to use it. Isn't it just XML indi protocol.


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