Tommy Broudy replied to the topic 'Slew to Target Failed' in the forum. 7 years ago

Hello. I am a newbie with INDI and EKOS. I have the MacOSX Stars/EKOS installed on my system. Last night I was out with the telescope for the first time (after many hours with the simulators). I am able to capture images, and plate solve online. A solution is calculated, but EKOS is unable to sync or slew with my Celestron AVX. I polar align using PoleMaster, power on my AVX mount, and then point my mount at a star field and use EKOS to plate solve/align. Unfortunately, I am getting stuck after the image is captured and solved. I think this may be a similar problem to noriQ AVX mount, but am not sure. Thanks so much for your help! Suggestions?

2017-12-27T01:48:21 Capturing image...
2017-12-27T01:48:19 Slew complete. Target accuracy is not met, running solver again...
2017-12-27T01:47:35 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (12h 00m 00s) DEC ( 0∞ 00' 00").
2017-12-27T01:47:35 Slewing failed!
2017-12-27T01:47:30 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (12h 00m 00s) DEC ( 0∞ 00' 00").
2017-12-27T01:47:30 Syncing failed!
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Syncing to RA (08h 20m 23s) DEC (-16∞ 47' 09")
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Target is within 57∞ 24' 34" degrees of solution coordinates.
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Solution coordinates: RA (08h 20m 23s) DEC (-16∞ 47' 09") Telescope Coordinates: RA (03h 34m 36s) DEC ( 89∞ 53' 17")