Tommy Broudy replied to the topic 'Slew to Target Failed' in the forum. 7 years ago

When I start scheduler, the mount physically slews and captures target as instructed by job#1. The job list then hangs, and nothing appears to be happening.


Thanks for the info. I built the latest kstars from GIT, and see the new option for "turn off sorting of jobs by altitude and priority". My scheduler job list has 20 jobs in it, with Priority 1-20. When this option is left checked, it runs through the jobs from Priority 1-->20, as expected. When I uncheck this box, Job#1 runs, but when Job#1 completes, the scheduler does not advance to Job#2. Instead it appears to find the original Job#1 (which has a Priority of #1), and hangs there. I have attached the scheduler log for your reference. Any ideas what's going on?

Thanks very much!


That sounds like a great workaround to accomplish what I’m trying to do. Thank you so much!

I am pretty new to the KStars and Linux world. What is GIT? How do I go about installing the update? I’m running Ubuntu with kstars-bleeding, on a Mac with virtualbox.

Thanks so much!


Yes. I am imaging 3 different objects in different parts of the sky. They are 3 variable stars, that I am imaging in 10minute intervals.

What would be the best way to image Star1, then slew and image Star2, then slew and image to Star3, and the repeat the cycle by slewing and imaging Star1. I’d like to be able to repeat this process for the entire night.

Right now, I have manually loaded 18 jobs into the job list, and assigned Prioroty 1-18, to force Star1,Star2,Star3,Star1,Star2,Star3...... The 18 jobs represent 6 cycles of Star1,Star2,Star3. But this does not run the whole night, as the job list completes after job18.

Any ideas of how I can schedule this kind of imaging for a whole evening?

Thanks again for all the help!!


Hello. I am using EKOS Scheduler to image 3 targets, repeatedly, throughout the night. I have setup as follows:

Job1: Target 1
Job 2: Target 2
Job 3: Target 3
Job 4: Target 1
Job 5: Target 2
Job 6: Target 3
Job 7: Target 1
Job 8: Target 2
Job 9: Target3

And so on, repeating the Target1,Target2,Target3 jobs until Job 36. Is there a simpler way to do this than to actually input 36 jobs? Can I set 3 jobs in the Scheduler (Job 1: Target1//Job 2:Target2//Job 3: Target3), and then ask it to loop through that set of jobs 12 times?

I have tried to use the "Repeat" buttons on the Job Completion menu within Scheduler; however, these cause an individual Job to repeat before moving on to the next. It's important for me to force imaging of Target1,Target2,Target3 in that order before repeating to the next cycle of imaging for Target1,Target2,Target3.

On a related note, is there a way to set more than 20 Priorities, so I can force an order for 36 jobs to run in order 1,2,3,4....all the way to 36 ?

Thanks much for the help!

I have
3 targets, and then go back to target 1


Tommy Broudy replied to the topic 'Slew to Target Failed' in the forum. 7 years ago

Thanks, knro! Last night I installed Kstars-bleeding on Ubuntu (on Parallels on my OSX mac), and the plate solving worked to slew and sync with my AVX mount. This was the first time I have ever used Linux, so it was a bit foreign to me, but in the end, it worked great. Looking forward to the update on the OSX version. Thanks again!


Tommy Broudy replied to the topic 'Slew to Target Failed' in the forum. 7 years ago

Hello. I am a newbie with INDI and EKOS. I have the MacOSX Stars/EKOS installed on my system. Last night I was out with the telescope for the first time (after many hours with the simulators). I am able to capture images, and plate solve online. A solution is calculated, but EKOS is unable to sync or slew with my Celestron AVX. I polar align using PoleMaster, power on my AVX mount, and then point my mount at a star field and use EKOS to plate solve/align. Unfortunately, I am getting stuck after the image is captured and solved. I think this may be a similar problem to noriQ AVX mount, but am not sure. Thanks so much for your help! Suggestions?

2017-12-27T01:48:21 Capturing image...
2017-12-27T01:48:19 Slew complete. Target accuracy is not met, running solver again...
2017-12-27T01:47:35 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (12h 00m 00s) DEC ( 0∞ 00' 00").
2017-12-27T01:47:35 Slewing failed!
2017-12-27T01:47:30 Slewing to target coordinates: RA (12h 00m 00s) DEC ( 0∞ 00' 00").
2017-12-27T01:47:30 Syncing failed!
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Syncing to RA (08h 20m 23s) DEC (-16∞ 47' 09")
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Target is within 57∞ 24' 34" degrees of solution coordinates.
2017-12-27T01:47:25 Solution coordinates: RA (08h 20m 23s) DEC (-16∞ 47' 09") Telescope Coordinates: RA (03h 34m 36s) DEC ( 89∞ 53' 17")


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