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Best way to get images from RPi?

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Hi there,

I'm new to all this - Raspberry Pi, Astroberry and Astrophotography.... What is the best way to get images from Astroberry back to my workstation? ftp? scp? samba?


4 years 5 months ago #52419

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Samba is preinstalled and running on Astroberry if my memory is still working but you may have to alter the samba configuration file to share a specific DIR. Google Samba Config file its not hard to change.

BUT of course you can do the reverse can connect to your PC (Windows or Mac ) and search for shares you have created on them. so long as you have allowed Create/Write permissions on the PC share.

Hope that helps.

Else its the hardware route - usb stick etc
RPI3 Ubuntu 16.04 / AMD desktop Kstars under Ubuntu 16.04 Mounts :azeq6 ,SWAZGoTo

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4 years 5 months ago #52436

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You haven't said what your workstation is. If your workstation is any variant of linux (or even a linux VirtualBox setup on Windows), I would recommend rsync for consideration. It works great for me. I use it to pull all images and other files (guiding logs, etc.). I also log what's captured. Rsync is smart...it can be interrupted and relaunched if needed, and you don't have to worry about knowing where it was interrupted. I just verify that all files are successfully transferred, and then blow away the PI files to make ready for the next imaging run. Here's an example script you can think about modifying (where "user" would be your home dir name). Change details as needed (user, stellarmate, IP_ADDR, dir paths, etc). You will either need to type in a password when you run the script or setup your ssh keys to avoid this detail:

today=`date +%Y%m%d`
# command acct/host source dir on Pi4 destination Shared dir (Win,VBox) log
rsync -avz --stats -e "ssh -p 5624 -l stellarmate" stellarmate@IPADDR:/home/stellarmate/Images/ /home/user/AstroImages/PI > /home/user/AstroImages/rsync${today}.log 2>&1
rsync -avz --stats -e "ssh -p 5624 -l stellarmate" stellarmate@IPADDR:/home/stellarmate/PHD2/ /home/user/AstroImages/PHD2 >> /home/user/AstroImages/rsync${today}.log 2>&1

Cheers, Doug
The following user(s) said Thank You: Pete Heywood
4 years 5 months ago #52440

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For transferring a few files, I use Samba.
For transferring the results from a night or two (several Gb) I use this www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MU8TZRV/ref...02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
In fact, I set up Ekos to write directly to the stick which is as fast or faster than my sdcard anyway (assuming it's plugged in to usb3).
Then in the morning I walk the stick over to my laptop, plug it in and transfer. I find this "sneaker net" much quicker than electronic transfer from the RPi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Pete Heywood
4 years 5 months ago #52461

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Thanks all. I have a windows pc and a macbook pro - both running linux on them as well :-) I like the usb idea as the sd cards is slow as you say.
4 years 5 months ago #52466

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If you are running Linux, you could enable sshd on the Pi and then just open a file manager on your Linux workstation. Change the search bar to read sftp://yourPiLoginName@YourPiIPAddress (eg: sftp://pi@ You will be asked for your Pi login password and can then copy and paste in the file manager as you would normally where the current file manager window is the Pi. Transfers will occur across your network.
4 years 5 months ago #52479

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Replied by S on topic Best way to get images from RPi?

I use a small script run under cygwin on windows 10, typically the morning after imaging. It transfers all files created within the last 24h from the imaging folder on the pi. Here it is:


start0=$(date -d yesterday)
end0=$(date -d now)


echo Copying files newer than $start and older than $end

files=$(ssh $user@$IP "find Light/ -type f -newermt \"$start\" -not -newermt \"$end\"")

for f in $files; do
scp $user@$IP:"$f" .

You need to set up ssh keys for this to work nicely!
Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by S.
4 years 5 months ago #52481

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I am using syncthing which syncs my images from Pi to desktop almost in real time. It is free and available for most OS

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4 years 5 months ago #52630

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Another OS-independent option is to create a NFS share. That way you could access the files on the Pi and/or move them as you please as though they were local. If you have file space on the Pi, you may not even want to move them if you can manipulate them from your laptop/desktop as local files.
4 years 4 months ago #54074

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I used the old USB route for a long time, but now I just have a desktop link running to it: \\192.168.0.XXX\Pictures (XXX being your IP of course)
I also opened up the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and added the other directories I might want... Documents, Video and the like.
4 years 4 months ago #54075

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