INDI Library v1.9.1 Released 26 Jun 2021

Bi-monthly INDI Library v1.9.1 is released bringing a few new drivers and improvements to existing drivers.
+ New AstroTrac 360 driver (Experimental).
+ New Pegasus FlatMaster and UHC drivers by @chrysikos
+ New Deep Sky Dad Field Rotator by @DeepSkyDad
+ Core INDI Library improvements to base device and client classes by @pawel-soja
+ Paramount TCP improvements by @interplanetarychris
+ Spectrograph and Receiver classes by @iliaplatone
+ OnStep improvements by @james-lan and @azwing
+ RST-135 location and time fix by @jimmy-ck
+ Dome OTA fixes by @jpaana
+ Object Azimuth and Altitude added to FITS header by @jpaana
+ Rainbow Focuser fixes by @murveit
+ Support for CGX-L by @florian-steffen
+ Fix crash in SkyWatcher API mount drievr by @Nekomeshi
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